“Examine everything carefully; hold fast to what is good.” 1 Thes. 5:21
MLM is an organization of lay members of the Mississippi Conference of the United Methodist Church joined together to restore Biblical Christianity and accountability to OUR CHURCH.
- We believe that the Bible is the inspired work of God.
- We believe that the Bible is inerrant and infallible.
- We believe that in matters of theological debate, final authority rests with the scripture.
- We belive in traditional Christian doctrine as outlined in the Apostle's Creed.
- We urge you to partner with us with us in this endeavour.
The UMC has lost over 3 million or 30% of its membership since 1970. The church has traded evangelism and discipleship for a more social gospel. We have substituted reconciliation for repentance and revivals seem to be a thing of the past. Some clergy have a difficult time defining or acknowledging sin and its consequences, and there is an absence of the “fear of the Lord”. There are clergy that do not believe in the inerrancy of the Scriptures and at times do not follow the Discipline or its intent.
The hierarchy of our connectional church spends money on political and social issues and has signed on with other denominations that have major beliefs contrary to ours. The laity is the church, and we must share the blame for some of our problems. While many of the laity have been too busy making a living and become less involved, the church has ceased to be a guiding force of our culture and is becoming a mere mirrored image of society.
Events at General, Annual, and our Local charge conferences have many laity asking questions. Several Laity (men and women) from various parts of our state have gotten together to form Methodist Laity of Mississippi. The laity needs to be better informed and active in their church at all levels. We pray our efforts will help our church become a force for Christianity.