Cokesbury is the "official" retail Division of the United Methodist Publishing House. Cokesbury is, also, the distributor for the set of booklets known as "Guidelines - for Leading Your Congregation." The "Guidelines" are very useful tools designed for use by the Leadership of you local church. The "Guidelines" are 100% "Discipline" compliant and are board/committee specific.
To order by phone have a credit card ready and call 1-800-672-1789. Tell the Customer Service Rep that you want to place an order using your credit card and you will be ordering by the "ISBN" (International Standard Book Number) for each item. Once you have stated the number the order taker will repeat the title of each for your confirmation.
#9780687647910 - Church Council
#9780687647712 - Committee on Nominations & Leadership Development
#9780687647811 - Pastor-Parish Relations
#9780687648115 - Lay Leader/Lay Member
#9780687648818 - Trustees
#9780687648917 - Finance
Recommended Reading:
On The Brink by Allen Morris
Taking Back the United Methodist Church by Mark Tooley